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Dahua launches its first Deep-learning Powered NVR IVSS

2018-06-28 20:45

HANGZHOU, China, June 28, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Dahua Technology, a leading solution provider in the global video surveillance industry, officially launched its first deep-learning powered Network Video Recorder (NVR), offering advanced Artificial Intelligence features for a variety of applications.

Dahua Deep-learning Powered NVR - IVSS
Dahua Deep-learning Powered NVR - IVSS

Dahua's powerful Artificial Intelligence technology enables faster video content inquiry and rapid discovery of target objects. This opens up new possibilities for danger prevention, along with real-time alerts for the video surveillance industry.

AI-powered facial recognition and analysis

IVSS combines Deep-learning Algorithms, industrial grade GPUs, and advanced Network Video Recorder into an all-in-one Artificial Intelligence server. The integrated GPU module and advanced deep-learning algorithms perform powerful video structure analysis using metadata, achieving precise facial analysis. Powered by a Dual-core Intel processor, IVSS supports up to 4 channels of real-time facial recognition based on 20 face libraries with 100,000 face images each.

Identify Intruders

IVSS supports a stranger detection mode, which triggers alarms when a face not stored in the database is detected. IVSS also supports a Similarity Threshold, which triggers an alarm when a face that does not meet the minimum similarity level appears. The Stranger Mode and the Similarity Threshold were designed for critical infrastructure sites, where access control is of vital importance.

Optimized GUI for easy operation

The all new GUI of IVSS features a unified design for local and remote users, greatly improving usability, and making it user-friendly to project level customers. The unified GUI also helps significantly cut down the training cost and time of system operators, and the addition of an independent PC client for remote access saves worries about browser compatibility and plug-ins.

Variety of applications and wide compatibility

IVSS is ideal for applications that require entry/exit management, where knowing who is coming and going is a valuable asset, such as business parks, schools, banks, prisons and so on.

For system integrators IVSS has lower complexity, better cost-to-performance, and fewer operator training requirements. As for users, IVSS improves real-time monitoring efficiency, while providing an easy and efficient approach to pinpoint when and where a person of interest appeared. Dahua IVSS, which caught visitors' eyes at IFSEC International, showcased great potential regarding the company's AI technology innovation. Dahua Technology, embracing the mission of "Enabling a Safer Society and Smarter Living", will certainly continue to focus on "Innovation, Quality, and Service" to serve partners and customers around the world.

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Source: Dahua Technology
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