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Indonesia's Ministry of Communications and Informatics Through Siberkreasi Presents Public Speaking Classes to Encourage Impactful Digital Communication

2022-04-07 22:42

Empowering Indonesians to gain competence and confidence in creating digital contents.

JAKARTA, Indonesia, April 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The Indonesia's Ministry of Communications and Informatics through National Digital Literacy Movement Siberkreasi, will continue their #MakinCakapDigital digital literacy campaign by releasing "Digital Literacy: Public Speaking Siberkreasi" held between 9 April to 14 May 2022. The free online series will include certification upon completion and will feature prominent special guests.

Indonesia's Ministry of Communications and Informatics Through Siberkreasi Presents Public Speaking Classes to Encourage Impactful Digital Communication
Indonesia's Ministry of Communications and Informatics Through Siberkreasi Presents Public Speaking Classes to Encourage Impactful Digital Communication


The importance of effective communication and information literacy in an online forum

Through the evolution of digital technology, speaking to the public can now be done through the convenience of smartphones and computers. While these tools make it easier than ever for individuals to get their messages out to the public and participate in active dialogues, the accuracy of their published contents can significantly contribute to enriching or damaging the larger landscape.

According to the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer, there is currently a trend of "information bankruptcy" that is prevalent in online forums. This is a phenomenon where people feel there is a lack of quality information going around. The same survey has shown that the most important skills to navigate the enormous amount of content online are information literacy and understanding information hygiene. This is where the series looks to educate public who are interested in creating successful digital contents.

"The series will explore ways of building self-confidence levels when speaking to a large audience, exploring ethical issues as well as personal branding concepts. We believe that the confidence, paired with the right mindset, would set the right foundations for a person to influence public through an online forum," said Rizki Ameliah, Coordinator of Digital Literacy Kemenkominfo.

Digital Literacy: Public Speaking Siberkreasi

The series will be conducted over 2 main classes, titled "Confident Communication" and "Ready to Speak," conducted over Zoom Meeting. Classes will be held on 9 and 10 April for the first class and 16 and 17 April for the second class, inviting attendees from across cities in Indonesia. The series is available to those in Sumatra, Java, Bali-Nusra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Maluku-Papua.

Mentors include renowned names in the space including Indra Herlambang, Nadia Mulya  Addry Danuatmadja, Lenna Tan, Danar Gumilang and Maria Christy; while guest speakers include the Director-General of Informatics Applications, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan.

Following the main classes, the series will also offer an "Accelerated Class" and an "Advanced Class" for selected participants who show both interest and capability in the subject. These classes will be held on 23 and 24 April respectively.

Once complete, the graduation will be held on 14 May 2022. For more information and other GNLD Siberkreasi digital literacy events, you can visit and follow @siberkreasi on social media.

About The Ministry of Communications and Informatics of Indonesia

The Ministry of Communications and Informatics of Indonesia through Ditjen Aptika has the primary function of spreading and developing the national digital infrastructure to accelerate Indonesia's digital transformation.

The Ministry is working with National Digital Literacy Movement Siberkreasi as its partner to provide education on digital literacy to the broader public through various forms of media. This movement is focused on using digital literacy as a way to elevate the national capability and to further the Indonesian people.

Source: The Ministry of Communications and Informatics
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