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Samsung Solve For Tomorrow Competition Invites Students to Share Ideas for a Greener, Smarter Hong Kong

2013-11-27 17:30

Competition gets students thinking about how technology can be leveraged for environmental good

HONG KONG, Nov. 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Samsung Electronics Hong Kong Co., Ltd. today announced the launch of its inaugural Samsung Solve for Tomorrow competition, inviting students across Hong Kong to share their ideas for how technology can be used to solve environmental issues facing the city. Samsung is offering more than HK$3.7 million in prizes [1] to winning students and schools.

A recent study [2] found that 8 in 10 people in Hong Kong (84.1%) believe it is important for them to do their part to protect the environment. However, close to half (46%) do not see how one person can make a difference. Samsung Solve for Tomorrowaims to empower students by challenging them to think about how technology can be leveraged to drive environmental change and show Hong Kong that one person's idea can make a difference for social good.

"With Samsung Solve for Tomorrow, we are giving students a platform to discuss and examine the environmental issues in our city, as well as the opportunity to use technology to do something about it. This competition is designed to help students realize that they can have a lasting impact on the city's environment", said Lawrence Chow, Chief Marketing Officer, Samsung Electronics Hong Kong. "Samsung is committed to the communities in which we operate. Our Samsung Hope for Children program has benefitted underprivileged children across Hong Kong since 2011, and we hope that Samsung Solve for Tomorrow will benefit everyone in Hong Kong with a greener, smarter city. "

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow has partnered with some of Hong Kong's leading environmental NGOs, including Hong Kong's Business Environmental Council, HKedCity, Ecovision and Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks. These organizations share Samsung's vision for a greener, smarter Hong Kong and have pledged their support to help students across the city to realize the potential technology has to improve the environment. Representatives from each organization will engage students and the public on environmental topics, judge and evaluate contest entries and consult on how winning ideas can be brought to life through the Samsung realization plan.

"In today's operating environment, it is becoming increasingly important that businesses examine how they are leveraging their resources and scale to drive environmental awareness and responsibility. This competition is empowering the next generation to think of how technology can contribute to a better environment as well as economic opportunities, "said Agnes Li, CEO, Business Environmental Council."We believe that the future success of business will lie in its ability to strike a balance between economic, social and environmental investments. It’s inspiring to see companies like Samsung taking a lead in this important area. "

Students can enter the Samsung Solve for Tomorrowcompetition by submitting their ideas online. The competition is open to all students enrolled full-time at primary and secondary schools, as well as tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. All contest entries must be received by noon on Jan. 2, 2014.

Following the submission deadline, the top 60 ideas will be selected and posted online for a period of public voting. The 15 ideas that garner the most public votes online will be presented to a panel of judges, comprised of experts in education, the environment and technology. The judges will determine the winning entries, which will be announced during an awards ceremony in March 2014. Winning entries may also receive further funding and support to bring these ideas to life through the Samsung Realization Plan.

To learn more about Samsung Solve for Tomorrow, including competition and entry guidelines, please visit .

[1] Based on recommended retail prices (Hong Kong dollars).

[2] Source: Data based on an online survey of 1,107 Hong Kong adults conducted by market research firm Edelman Berland, between October 31 and November 11, 2013.

About Samsung Solve for Tomorrow in Hong Kong

Samsung Solve for Tomorrowis a campaign that leverages technology to address social issues facing Hong Kong. In the inaugural year, Samsung has created a competition that challenges students to submit ideas for how technology can be used to improve Hong Kong’s environment. Samsung Solve for Tomorrow is part of Samsung's ongoing community commitment and investment in Hong Kong. This competition brings together partners in Hong Kong to help inspire students to take an active role in protecting the environment. For more information about Samsung Solve for Tomorrow, visit

Source: Samsung Electronics Hong Kong Co., Ltd.
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