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The World to Witness a Tougher, More Resolute President Obama, Feels

2012-11-29 09:00

AHMEDABAD, India, Nov. 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Barack Obama won the US presidential elections on 6th November defeating Mitt Romney in a close contest of popular vote. The electoral college, however, favoured Obama! This outcome had accurately been predicted by in this prnewswire release on 2nd November.

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The big questions now are - Will Obama manage to control the fiscal deficit, freeing USA from clutches of an imminent recession? How will he tackle the Iran-Israel issue? Most importantly, how successful will be his second term? The expert astrologers of employ Vedic Astrology principles to analyse the Oath and Inaugural horoscopes to foresee Obama's forthcoming tenure.

Moon in the Oath horoscope (20th January) is severely afflicted in Bharani constellation. Whereas, in the Inaugural horoscope (21st January), Moon is exalted and conjuncts retrograde Jupiter in Krittika constellation. This indicates a turbulent time ahead for Obama. He will face grave realities regarding multiple international issues. Plus, USA will be under Mars-Rahu period till April 2013. This is indicative of a surprise crisis that may catch the President off-guard. Under this leadership, USA may even witness a violent expression of terrorism, spurring a public uproar.

During 2013, Obama will have to struggle against budget-related and healthcare issues. The worsening Eurozone crisis shall have a negative impact on the US economy. Also, Obama may face aggravated aggression from Islamic countries and aftershocks of the "Arab Spring". Troops withdrawal from Afghanistan may be delayed, and relations with Pakistan may sour further.

On a positive note, Jupiter's influence on the Inaugural horoscope will inspire Obama to find alternative routes to tricky issues, including the Iran-Israel conflict. Despite the differences, the US-India relations may be transformed and set on an upward trajectory. Obama himself is going through a powerful Saturn-Saturn period. He will plant seeds of innovative ideas and policies in 2013, despite severe resistance. The President and Congress will take some bold steps in 2014, which shall put USA on the road to a gradual recovery through 2015. The President may have to agree to some of the reforms as a part of some grand bargain, though.

On the whole, Obama will be more decisive, stronger in approach and determined to resolve key issues defining his legacy.

Contact: Hemang Arunbhai Pandit,, +91-796-160-4100

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