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China's Largest National Park Protects "China Water Tower"

2017-10-19 11:39

XINING, China, Oct. 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 7, 2017, in Krakow, Poland, in the 41st Session of the World Heritage Committee, Hoh Xil became a world's natural heritage. Located in China's Qinghai Province Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Hoh Xil is an important part of the Sanjiangyuan National Park Yangtze River Source area. This is a land full of vitality and spirituality. Tibetan antelopes, wild ass, brown bears and other wild animals inhabit this area. It is known as "the third pole of the world" and "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau wild animal gene library."

Located at the south of Qinghai Province, China, the Sanjiangyuan area is the birthplace of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River, and came to be known as "China Water Tower". In recent years, through continuous optimizations and breakthroughs of the existing system, the construction process of this region's ecological protection continues to accelerate, vegetation coverage and water supply amount are increasing year by year, the populations of wild animals recover rapidly.

In June 2016, China's first national park system pilot was started in the Sanjiangyuan area. In more than a year, local government established the vertical co-ordination management system, completely solved the problems of the block division in the past, the efficiency of ecological management and protection has substantially increased.

According to the latest monitoring data, compared with 2004, the average grassland coverage in the Sanjiangyuan area has increased by 11.6%, the yield of grass has increased by 29.66 kg per mu, the desertification area has decreased by nearly 500 square kilometers, and the wetland has increased nearly by 50%.

The Qinghai Province Hoh Xil Natural Heritage Protection Regulations were formally implemented on October 1, 2016. From then on, Hoh Xil is under special legal protection. The regulations clear that Hoh Xil needs to give full play to scientific research, education, display function, and rationally carry out ecological science tourism. Mr. Luo Yanhai, deputy director, Forest Public Security Bureau of the Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve Bureau said, "The fact that Hoh Xil is recognized by the World Heritage Committee as a world heritage -- a wealth of human which is rare and unable to replace -- presents a major opportunity for Hoh Xil. The ultimate goal is to protect."

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Source: Sanjiangyuan National Park Administration
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